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Yazılarn yazarı: “healthnews”

What are Weight Loss, Slimming Foods?

Weight loss refers to the process of reducing body weight, usually through a combination of diet and exercise. Slimming foods, on the other hand, are foods that are thought to aid in weight loss or promote a slimmer physique.

What are the hygiene rules

What are the hygiene rules? Hygiene rules are practices that promote and maintain cleanliness, health, and safety. These rules may vary depending on the context, but some general hygiene rules include:

Orta yaş sendromu nedir?

Orta yaş sendromu, insanların genellikle 40-60 yaş aralığında yaşadığı bir dönemdir ve yaşlanma sürecindeki değişiklikler ve hayatın ilerleyen aşamalarıyla ilgilidir.