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Turkey Hospital & Health

Health tourism is the new power of Turkey! The target for 2023 is a foreign exchange inflow of 10 billion dollars.
‘Turkey has achieved great success in health field over past 2 decades’
Günümüzde kaliteli sağlık hizmetini daha uygun fiyatlara ve daha kısa bekleme süreleriyle almak için sağlık turizmi kapsamında ülkeleri dışına çıkan yıllık 30 milyon insan trafiği bulunmaktadır. Türkiye Sağlık Bakanlığı’na bağlı Uluslararası Sağlık Hizmetleri A.Ş. (USHAS) resmi internet sitesinde yaptığı açıklamada, dünyadaki sağlık turizmi harcamalarının yaklaşık 500 milyar dolar ile ifade edildiğini bildirdi.
Investments and government incentives made by the Republic of Turkey continue to grow in this sector. In the meantime, many companies rolled up their sleeves for health tourism and completed their preparations for their new patients.
Country has become leader in region with its rapidly developing health tourism potential, says
Turkey has hospitals above world standards and many doctors who are experts in their fields.
1.6 million operations were carried out in 2022 and the eyes of the whole world were turned to Turkey with 100% customer satisfaction.
“Turkey, which has been closely following the recent technological innovations around the globe, has become a leader in its region with its specialized health professionals,”
Turkey is one of the most preferred countries in health tourism with its highly qualified medical staff, fast and effective health care services, world-class technological and medical equipment, affordable price advantage, thermal underground resources as well as traditional Turkish hospitality, according to an expert.

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