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Yazıların kategorisi: “English Health Articles”

English Health Articles

what does syndrome mean

what does syndrome mean, Syndrome refers to a group of symptoms or signs that occur together and characterize a particular medical condition or disease.

The Mindful Workplace

The Mindful Workplace:; How Companies Are Embracing Mindfulness to Improve Employee Health and Productivity

what does symptom mean

what does symptom mean, A symptom is a physical or mental feature or indication of a medical condition or disease that a person experiences and reports to their healthcare provider.

The secret of healthy living

The secret of healthy living, There is no single secret to healthy living, as a healthy lifestyle is a combination of many different factors. However, some key components of a healthy lifestyle include;

hygiene in the beauty center

hygiene in the beauty center; Maintaining good hygiene is essential in any beauty center to ensure the safety and well-being of clients and staff. Here are some hygiene practices that should be followed in a beauty center;