Uzm. Dr. Yusuf Altınkaynak, “Alanında uzman bir kardiyolog tarafından yapılacak rutin kalp muayeneleri sayesinde tanı almak ve tedavi olmak çok önemlidir” diye konuştu.
Yazılarn yazarı: “healthnews”
Alternative Treatments for Managing High Cholesterol, High cholesterol is a common health concern, as it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
What are intestinal diseases, Intestinal diseases are a group of medical conditions that affect the digestive tract or the gastrointestinal
Cryotherapy for Weight Loss: Does It Work? Cryotherapy is a type of therapy that involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period of time, typically a few minutes.
Meme kanserinin erken tanısında en önemli faktörün kişinin bilinçlenmesi olduğunun altını çizen Uzm. Dr. Aresh Soudmand, "Meme kanserinin erken dönemde teşhis edilmesi, tedavinin başarısını ve hayatta kalma şansını artırır” diye konuştu.
Nail care involves a series of practices and habits that help to maintain the health, hygiene, and appearance of your nails. Here are some tips for nail care;
This is why it is important to manage cholesterol levels through lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and medication.
While the formula for weight loss is simple - burn more calories than you consume - the science behind it is much more complicated. In this article, we will explore the physiology behind successful weight loss and how it impacts your body.
where is the most sensitive part of the body, The most sensitive part of the body can vary from person to person, as everyone's perception of sensitivity can differ.
Things to do for a healthy life; Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves a combination of different factors, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, adequate sleep, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.